PBL Focus

"For the next fortnight in PBL, students are looking at the Nunguu choice to "try another game". Sometimes students need to take a break from what they are doing and find another activity. Our school offers so many lunch and recess activities such as sports on the oval, play equipment, Just Dance in the hall, marbles, Lego, colouring in the library, basketball or helping in the garden."

PBL Awards 

Congratulations to the following students who received a PBL award at Friday's assembly:

KH - Ginny Simpson

KT - Dempsey Paterson

1L - Kayleb Brown

1D - Ned O'Sullivan

2H - Saoirse Scrivener

2B - Ryder Garrett

2/3RM - Mason McMillan

3P - Oscar Brookes

3N - Lily Clayton

4S - Ivy O'Sullivan

4G - Ace Hopwood

5M - Attila Sullivan

5B - Mia Luck

6G - Laura Howe

6D - Sophie Jones