Student Learning 


Foundation students have been working very hard on learning the letters a, m, s and t. 

During maths we have been working on shapes and all students had a great time making a 'Mr Strong' as we learnt about triangles.

Year 1/2


Reading: The children have been focusing on inferring when they are reading.


Writing: The 1/2's have worked really hard to publish their wonderful writing pieces.

Maths: The children have looked at how to draw, make and write their division problems. They have also looked closely at 3D shapes.

Sport: The 1/2's have had a blast playing cricket.

Year 3/4

During Art Year 3/4 students have been working with paint and pastels to create an Eiffel Tower nightscape.

Year 5/6

Our Year 5/6 students are really enjoying their role as buddies to the Prep students. We have enjoyed doing buddy activities and also eating our snacks together.