What's Happening
Term 1, 2023
Monday 27th February - Friday 3rd March - First full week for Foundation students
Monday 27th February - Friday 3rd March - Hearing Awareness Week
Wednesday 3rd March - Sound Bites Picnic for World Hearing Day
Monday 20th March - Friday 25th March - Harmony Week
Wednesday 15th March - Monday 27th March - NAPLAN
Thursday 30th March - Parent/Teacher Student led conferences 3:30pm to 7pm
Thursday 6th April - End of Term 1
Friday 7th April - Good Friday Public Holiday
Term 2, 2023
Monday 24th April - First day of Term 2
Tuesday 25th April - ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Sound Bites Picnic
On Wednesday 3rd March, World Hearing Day, students and staff will gather on the oval for a whole school picnic at morning tea time. We will have some music and fun activities happening to share awareness about hearing loss.