Freeman House News

Freeman House - Swimming Carnival #1
What a start to the year! WE won, the College’s swimming carnival with a huge effort from all students. Led by Sanchika and EJ, Freeman students brought in the goods by collecting the most house points at last Friday’s swimming carnival. Well done to the students who competed in the swimming races, participated in the novelty events, posed for a photo or wore red and cheered on their peers to collect house points on the day. Freeman pride and participation was exceptional with Freeman taking the most house colour photos and most participants in novelty events on the day, The carnival was not just for those who swam competitively but was a fun day for all with lots of activities for students, including chess competitions, basketball heats and as an opportunity to show our house colours with pride. It was fantastic to see so much red amongst the crowd and the Freeman House Leadership Team could not be any prouder on the efforts of Freeman students and staff on the day. Keep an eye out for more opportunities to collect house points to see Freeman take out the 2023 House Cup.
Recently, Learning Habits reports were recently released and well done to all students, in particular students who have seen improvement in their learning habits report. To do this, it takes a lot of work and focus in improving your learning habits, so you should be proud of your achievements. It was also wonderful to see many students and caregivers attend the Student Learning Conferences. We appreciate the time it takes to attend these and we love the opportunities that we have to be able to work with students and families to discuss and celebrate student success.
Meet the Freeman Student Leaders
Last News Hamper we introduced you to Sanchika Jeyanthan, one of our student learning leaders. This News hamper we introduce our second House Leader EJ Dichoso.
EJ Dichoso
Hey, what’s good HP? I’m EJ and for 2023 I’m the Freeman house leader. Why did I want to become a leader? To be honest, it’s always been an expectation of me to become a leader within the school. I was a leader in primary, and have always been accustomed towards a leadership role, so it’s fitting. As a leader, it’s my responsibility to take what you guys want and translate that for the school. So, shoot your ideas, and with the help of my peers, we’ll work it out. 2023 is going to be a good year!
Favourite Subject: Any creative subject on my timetable
Favourite Food: French fries
Favourite Style of Music: RnB, Neo soul
Hobbies: Music, Basketball, Chilling
Movies you would recommend: Get Out and Shrek
Quote you live by: Ars longa, Vita Brevis. Latin for “Art is long, life is short”
Who do you look up to and why? My future self because my future self will be where his younger self wanted to be.
What is a piece of advice you would give to other students? No one else is responsible for your success
Freeman House News Hamper Article – Term 1
As we close Term 1, the Freeman House Team would like to congratulate our students and staff on a what has been, a FANTASTIC, although tiring Term. We are incredibly proud of the efforts of our community, and we are super excited about the Terms to come. We believe everyone in our community can and will achieve remarkable things.
Our attendance data has gone from strength to strength. We are proud and pleased to say we have finished the Term with 82 students on 100% attendance and 120 who are over 90% attendance. This is fantastic and we encourage all our students to attend on time, every time, every day.
Why is attendance so important and why have we raised our expectations?
Evidence suggests students who attend school more often achieve greater academic achievement and increased post school opportunities. Every day of absence makes a difference. The effect of one day of absence adds up quickly. The effect of missing days accumulates over time - school absence not only impacts achievement in the year the days are missed, but in future years as well. Every day counts!
We are incredibly proud of our efforts at the Swimming Carnival this Term, where, despite not winning the actual swimming events, Freeman were overall Carnival Winners!! Well done!! It was clear, throughout the day, that our students and staff embraced every aspect of the carnival with positivity and incredible House spirit, getting involved in as many activities as they could ranging from chess to basketball, having their photos taken in support of our House, dressing up to show House pride and cheering as loudly as they could for our House. We cannot wait to see what we do at the Athletics Carnival. We encourage as many Freeman students as possible to get involved! We also encourage our students to get involved in the wonderful lunchtime clubs and other opportunities outside of Sport, where they can shine and thrive.
Our Staff are leading the Staff House Cup, again showing incredible spirit and pride, getting involved in all events in support of our House. We have seen our staff paint their hands for Harmony Day, dress up in green for St Patrick Day, purple for International Womens Day and Red for Valentines Day to name a few. We thank our staff for the way they get on board and embrace school spirit.
Our Year 7 students have shown incredible resilience and perseverance in their first Term at Secondary School and our Senior Students have shown they are serious about their learning and education, with outstanding attendance all Term.
Our Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 students have shown us they are learning what it takes to be part of the Senior School and the expectations that come, including being prepared for learning, arriving on time to all classes and role modelling for our juniors what is means to be a student at Hampton Park Secondary College. We encourage all our students to play an active role in Leadership this year and strive to be their best selves every day.
We thank our families who have worked closely with us in support of their children and who are echoing the messages being communicated around attendance, our school values and the importance of learning to reach their goals and chosen destinations.
Next Term we will see a strong focus on Pathways and destinations and we look forward to working closely with our families in support of all of our students.
The Freeman Team wish you all a wonderful holiday break and we look forward to a positive Term 2.
The Freeman House Team