Learning in S31

Senior School S31 Monckton is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

Little People, Big Dreams!

Over the last few weeks, the students in S31 have been learning about the impact of some very influential people.  We have been reading some of the books from the ‘Little People, Big Dreams’ series.  We have learned about the inspiring stories of Ada Lovelace, David Attenborough, Helen Keller, Rosa Parks, Evonne Goolagong, Michael Jordan, Greta Thunberg, and Pele. 

The students have now selected the person who they believe is the most influential to write a persuasive text about.  In these texts, they will give reasons and explain why and how their selected person made a big impact on society.  Below are some examples of the introductions that some of the students in S31 have written:


Grace: Are you always on your laptop?  Well then you need to say thank you to Ada Lovelace.  She was the first person to code a computer.  She has made a really big impact on the World because she was intelligent, determined and imaginative.


Sehaj: Have you ever wondered who the first deaf and blind person was to go to college?  Well let me tell you about Helen Keller.  I am determined that Helen Keller has been an amazingly influential person because she was accomplished, educational and passionate.


Deeksha: Amazing, awesome and astounding.  I am talking about Ada Lovelace.  I 100% believe that Ada Lovelace has been an astoundingly influential person because she was hardworking, accomplished and imaginative.


Ethan: Have you ever wondered who created the first code for computers?  Well it’s Ada Lovelace.  I 100% believe that Ada Lovelace is very influential for many people because she was very intelligent, determined and imaginative.


Ayla: Have you ever been shamed for being different?  I believe that Rosa Parks was amazing for what she stood for.  Rosa Parks was determined, brave and hardworking.    


Aisha: Have you ever wondered why people with disabilities are now treated fairly? That is because of Helen Keller.  I definitely believe that Helen Keller is the most influential person because she was talented, educational and determined!


Haylee: Have you seen the animal numbers go up or the oceans a little cleaner? Thank David Attenborough for that.  I am excessively sure that David Attenborough has been a severely influential person because he is passionate, educational and motivated.


Nethaka: Do you have a phone, tablet or a gaming console?  If you do, thank Ada Lovelace.  I 100% believe that Ada Lovelace has had a big impact on the world. She was intelligent, accomplished and hardworking.


Kartik: Magnificent, marvellous and miraculous. That’s all Michael Jordan.  I believe from my inner voice that Michael Jordan has had the greatest and most spectacular impact on the world.  He has accomplished many things, he is motivational to his fans and he is unbelievably selfless.


Hunter: Awesome, incredible and brave.  There is no doubt Ada Lovelace was a humble little girl who dreamt of making flying machines.  I believe that she was an influential girl because she was intelligent, relentless and brave. 


Mrs Monckton

Year 5 Teacher