Learning in J06

Junior School J06 Pope/McKenzie is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

The members of J06 have had a wonderful start to the year and jumped straight into learning.  



We have seen a lot of different sounds and the letters that make up these sounds. 


The members of J06 want to share their learning and some of the different ways to make the ‘long e’ sound, in particular ee and ea. 


We made a tree, with the words spelt with an ‘ee’ written in the tree trunk and the words spelt with an ‘ea’ written in leaves. 


In Maths we have been learning about data and ways to represent and collect data.  

What better way to do this than with Skittles? 

We sorted the skittles and then wrote about the colour of the skittles we had.  

We then used this data to graph the results. 

Lastly, of course, we ate the Skittles! 

Mrs Pope and Mrs McKenzie 

Year 1 Teachers