Teaching and Learning

Swimming and Water Safety Program

A reminder that this program begins next Tuesday and that we require all families to have provided permission for their child/ren to attend (log onto uEducateUs if you have not already done so). Students will be sent home with a swimming gift bag tomorrow. This bag contains a towel and goggles. 

On swimming days students wear their usual uniform to school and bring along their bathers, goggles, towel and hair brush in a water proof bag. Students change at the pool out of and back into their school clothes. Our students are supervised at all times by Raywood Primary Staff and we have engaged qualified swimming instructors to take the lessons. 

The dates are on the permission forms and also on the Important Dates page in this newsletter. We are leaving school at 1pm on swimming days and expect to return just after 3pm. Parents are welcome to meet us at the pool to watch and you may also choose to keep your child/ren with you to save them returning on the bus and be dismissed at school. 

If you have any questions about this program please contact either Lisa, Bree or one of the teachers. 


Year 3-6 Swimming Sports


This year's event is scheduled for Friday February 24th. We will organise transport to and from the event for our students. Further details and permission slips are now on uEducateUS.

Year P-2 News

In Integrated Studies the P-2 students have been finding out how to keep themselves healthy. They have really enjoyed reading stories with some of their favourite fairytale characters who have some rather "disgusting" habits. This weeks we have looked at how to keep our teeth in tip top condition! 

Prep Phonics

Our two prep students have been joining Miss Duffy for phonics sessions, three times a week (once they commence full-time school it will be four sessions). These sessions go for 30 minutes and involve lots of spoken work, hands-on craft, letter tracing and formation and of course learning the sound that our letter of the day/week makes. The preps have been learning sentences/chants that help them recall the single sounds that the letters make and they have been busy making sound books. Once a week, our preps will bring these books home to show their families what they have been learning about and to "read" their sentences. Please ensure these books are returned to school the next school day so that work can continue to be added to the book. 

Year 3-6 News from Mr Collins

Maths is changing in the 3-6 room this year!

After completing extensive professional learning in 2022, Mr Collins will be working on adjusting the way he delivers mathematics lessons in the senior room. 

Mathematics is a life skill that needs to be not only taught, but made relevant to everyday situations. With this in mind, Mr Collins will now split his week up to allow our students not only to excel in maths concepts, but develop numeracy skills so they can apply it. Maths lessons will this year provide real life investigations, problem solving scenarios, skill development games, groups collaborations as well as continuing to provide one on one individualised teaching to ensure they learn all the concepts and processes the curriculum has to offer. We can't wait to get stuck into it!




What an emotional integrated Studies session we had this week as we said goodbye to our beloved word map we spent hours developing and learning about last year. BUT WORRY NOT! We are strolling into new pastures as we learn more about living a healthy, active and balanced lifestyle. 

ART News

Each Monday afternoon our students enjoy a 90 minute Visual Arts session. This term our focus areas are on drawing and painting. Students began the year by learning about different lines and how to form them and create different effects by adjusting their frequency, distance and thickness. Students created Line Portraits, which are now on display in the art room. 

Our next few sessions have seen us complete an artist study on Sandra Silberzweig, who creates colourful abstract portraits using line and shape. Each student created their own Silberzweig inspired piece and I am sure you will agree, the results are stunning. 

  Problem Solving at Raywood Primary School

What do you do when you need a door-stop? You 3D print your own! 

Mr Collins solved the problem of a door in his room that will not stay open, by designing and printing his own door-stop using our 3D printer. Our students enjoyed watching the printer in action as it made our very own unique creation. Our senior students can not wait to use design programs to create their own 3D models.