Family Educator's News

Janine Hannigan - Family and Faith

The Three Pillars of Lent are:


Some examples are:

  • Attending Mass
  • Grace before meals
  • Prayer before bed
  • Pray at school - ‘The Angelus’
  • Daily Prayer
  • Stations of the Cross
  • Prayers of Thanksgiving


Some examples are:

  • Fasting every Friday, not eating meat for ages 14 and above.
  • In the past, people fasted from dairy products such as eggs and milk.
  • Give up certain foods that we enjoy. For example chocolate, lollies and ice-cream.
  • Giving up screen time (technology) such as ipads, phones and computers. 
  • Give up some of your own time for someone else.


Some examples are:

  • Give money/clothes to charity. 
  • Giving up your own time to help your parents with chores or a job.
  • Random Acts of Kindness

Coffee Connect 

I would like to invite the families from Kindy, Year 1 and Year 2  to join us for morning tea on the dates below at Flower Power Enfield. There is a café where you can purchase food and coffee. Ms Carlo-Stella will also be attending.


Dates are as follows:

Kindergarten - Friday  10th March  9:20am

Year 1 - Friday  17th March 9:20am

Year 2 - Friday 24th March 9:20am

Please RSVP to I look forward to enjoying a coffee with you and connecting as a community. 


Season of Lent 

The season of Lent has arrived. It is a time we set aside each year to remember the love of God that is poured out through Christ Jesus on the cross in His death; and His defeat of death. Christ's death and resurrection that brings Eternal Life to you.


During this beautiful time, I offer you a space just to be. Join me at 2:30pm on the seats in Alison Street. 

Thursday 2nd March 

Thursday 9th March 

Thursday 16th March  


St Francis Xavier Playgroup 

This week we recommenced Playgroup, it was wonderful to see you all again. The new kitchen and accessories were a great hit.


Term 1 Dates:

Wednesday 1st March 

Wednesday 8th March 

Wednesday 15th March 

Wednesday 22nd March 


Each Wednesday we will meet in the hall at 9:10am. All parents need to sign in and out via the office. Parents must stay in the hall for the duration of the Playgroup.


Wellness Walk 

All are welcome to join me for a wellness walk around the local area. Together let's slow down, start the day with movement and enjoy the surrounding beauty.  Let's meet on the church steps at 9:00am. Weather permitting. 


Term 1 Dates:

Thursday  16th February 

Thursday  23rd February


Art and Craft 

This week the students are building and learning all about healthy friendships. Our craft activity with year 3 was to decorate a yummy ice cream cone that includes the words and qualities of a good friend.  

Kind regards


Janine Hannigan

Family Educator 

Family and Faith