Wellbeing News

Mr Nick Criniti - Wellbeing Coordinator

Dear Parents, 


This week, Sydney Catholic Schools celebrated Healthy Friendship Week. The students at St Francis Xavier engaged in various activities that reflect the importance of positive, healthy and life-long friendships. 


In Personal Development and Health (PDHPE) lessons as well as in Religion lessons students further their knowledge in making and maintaining strong friendships. Each class created their own ‘Friendship Flower’ display which will be displayed on our main playground. 


In addition to the classroom activities, Year 6 began running our Healthy Body and Healthy Minds initiative. This saw the year 6 leaders engage in activities that aimed to foster healthy relationships between the grades through play. We will continue this initiative in Week 5 where many friendships will form as well as be strengthen.

Character strength - Fairness  

Equal is everyone getting the same thing. Fair is everyone getting what they need to be successful. We will always try to be fair, but it won’t always feel equal.”

In Week 5, our school will be focusing on the character strength of ‘Fairness’. Using the strength of fairness helps students to identify and provide others with the means to be successful. In the PDHPE lessons, students will also be learning about the Character Strength of fairness.


Masters, treat your bondservants justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven.

Colossians 4:1 



Congratulations to the recipients of our Character Strength awards for Week 4.


Kind regards



Nick Criniti
