Assistant Principal's News

Fiona Scullion - Assistant Principal (Acting)

Dear Parents,


Thank you to all the parents who attended one of the four Child Protection Volunteer Induction meetings which were held both at school and via Zoom. Providing a Child Safe Community is our number one priority and it is everyone’s responsibility to understand and apply all relevant policies and procedures. We are so lucky at St Francis Xavier to have so many generous parents who are willing to give up their time to support us at our special events. Once all paperwork has been returned, class teachers will receive their list of available parents for their class. 


Kindergarten Classes

The Kindergarten classes have been finalised and students have spent the week with their 2023 teacher and class peers. We have no doubt each class will have a wonderful journey this year, as they learn, create and thrive with their teachers and peers. It has only been a few weeks, but our newest school members are making great gains within our school community. Well done Kindergarten!


The Importance of Reading

Over the past fortnight, class teachers have been formally assessing Reading. Reading is an important part of everyday life and an extremely useful tool for the future. Some children take a little longer to develop automaticity in reading. One of the best ways we as parents can help to improve our child’s reading is to spend time reading with them, to them or have them read aloud to us on a regular basis. We are all time poor and lead busy lives, but this simple and effective habit can have a remarkable effect on your child’s reading ability and comprehension skills.


I am looking forward to seeing you all at the school disco tomorrow night.


Kind regards


Fiona Scullion

Assistant Principal (acting)