Message from 

Mrs Morgan

Margaret Morgan - Principal of St Francis Xavier Ashbury from 2015 - 2022

Dear Parents and Students of SFX, 


I wish to write and thank you for your participation in the Opening School Mass this term. While I was sad it was to be my final mass shared with you, I was so pleased to see the 2023 Student Leaders receive their badges and blessing from Father Richard. It only seems a minute ago our Year 6 students started school and they have indeed grown to be articulate leaders and learners. 


I was touched by the song the choir sang, 'If I planted a garden' as Ms Cassidy knows how much I love to be out in the garden. I also thought of this symbolism when thinking of our students. We, as teachers sow the seeds of learning and have the privilege of watching them grow to become strong, independent learners who blossom a little more each year.


I want to thank all our parents who have given their time volunteering each year in so many different ways. A school can not run without your support and this makes so many more opportunities available to your children. Thank you to the Friends of Francis committee, Mrs Alex Mediati, Mrs Marea Soulos and Mrs Margueritte Ianuzzi, who have ensured that the Friends of Francis continued to play a vital role at SFX.


I will miss the SFX community and all the wonderful people I have met along the way.




Margaret Morgan