From the Principal
Term 1, Week 6, Kevin Kennedy
Dear Parents and Carers,
Parent Teacher Interviews
Once again this year, West Beach Primary School is using an online parent interview booking system which will enable parents to book interview times and receive instant email confirmation of their booking. The interview period is over two weeks from the 22nd of March to the 1st of April.
Parent / Teacher interviews are a key component of our reporting process and a valuable opportunity for parents to meet with teachers and discuss their child’s progress. This partnership between school and home is crucial and we encourage ALL parents to participate in this important meeting. If for any reason you are unable to attend a meeting during the times which are available you are asked to contact your child’s teacher who will be keen to arrange an alternative time to meet.
Information, including a link to the online booking system will be sent home via Skoolbag on the 9th March.
Governing Council
Governing Council has nominated its position holders for the year ( please see below). If you are interested in helping out on one of our committees please contact the school and we will connect you to the relevant person.
Chairperson: Pat Smith
Treasurer: Kerry Higgins
Secretary: Belinda Warne
Committee Volunteers:
OSHC-Nicole Price
Fundraising-Salome McDonald
Canteen- Kerry Higgins/ Liz Farrow
Sports/Assets & Facilities- Taren Brockhouse
COVID19 and School Events
Please continue to socially distance in the yard. At school assemblies only the parents and family members can attend, one per child. We now have COVID QR codes in place around the school, should you enter a building please access the codes.
Should you have a query or concern please don’t hesitate to contact me at the school.
Kind Regards,
Kevin Kennedy