Arlington Art Kindergarten and Peppercorns


This term, the Peppercorns are exploring the process of evolution in the context of the artistic process. Making links to their classroom inquiry through the concept of change, 

printmaking is the medium through which the group will explore and express their ideas and understanding of this concept. The children have begun developing the skills and techniques of the process of printmaking, through initial experimentation with monoprinting, in the style of Paul Klee. 



The Kindergarten children have been exploring colour in their world. We started by reading the book What colour is your world? They then chose colours to draw and express what colours best represented them and the colours in their world. The drawings the children made were all very colourful and we decided that they were all artists. 

We have continued to look at colour and shapes in our world and the children went to The Hall to carefully observe their surroundings. We embarked on a game of visual eye spy using the children’s drawings as the clue. Once they had chosen an object and a colour they busily and stealthily set about creating a drawing to use in their game of eye spy with their friends.



                                                     Debrah Brinkworth

Art teacher