Arlington Art - Lighthouse, Lofties and Sunroomers

The Treehouse Studio is buzzing with activity to start the new year. 


With current restrictions, we will not use the school's smocks during Art. On your child’s scheduled Art day, it is recommended they wear clothes they don’t mind getting a little paint on. 


Here is what we have been up to in the Tree House Studio over the last few weeks.



The Lighthouse keepers have begun their Art Unit of Inquiry, exploring what it means to be an artist. Through this unit, they will inquire into:

  • How artists care for their materials and space
  • How artists express their emotions, ideas, observations and imagination through Art
  • How artists use a range of mediums and techniques


We began the term by reading Peter H. Reynolds' book, The Dot. Like Vashti, the children made artistic marks and signed them as artists. We also put a gold frame around them to officiate that all of the children in the Lighthouse are artists.


You might have heard that during online learning, a certain little mermaid took over Zoom. It’s a dramatic tale of expression and identity...


Will she find the spell to become human? 

Will she find inner peace and love who she is? 

Will Claire ever be returned so she can teach Art again?

But most importantly, can the Lofties mix colours and find the right ones to express what it means to be human?


In case it isn’t obvious, the Lofties' Central Idea is ‘Art is a language that can be used to express’. We are starting with colour.   



In the Sunroom we have begun exploring ‘The Artist as Original’. The unit will be an inquiry into:

  • Where do artists find inspiration?
  • What is artistic style or voice?
  • What is the artistic process?

This Term we will be focusing on originality and creative process through printmaking. We began a discussion about some of these ideas through marbling. We asked, which is the original, the ink on the water, the first or the second print? Is one more important than the other? We have also started learning basic printing techniques, experimenting with nature as our inspiration.



Claire Robertson

Art Teacher