Work Experience

Work Experience for Year 10 Students
Work Experience is a highly-valued part of the Careers Education Program at Brentwood Secondary College. Students are provided with the opportunity to go into the community to explore an industry or field which they are interested in pursuing in the future as a career. In 2021, our program is running from Monday 21st June to Friday 25th June (the last week of term 2).
Understandably, due to Covid-19 restrictions, it may prove more challenging for students to secure a work experience placement. We encourage students to start the process as early as possible and to be resilient and persevere with their enquiries.
Studies have proven that Work Experience provides students with a valuable opportunity and assists them in their consideration of future career options - a valuable insight when considering subject selections for VCE. Additionally, it provides students with the valuable opportunity to:
- develop employability skills
- explore possible career options
- understand employer expectations
- increase their self-understanding, maturity, independence, and self-confidence
Over the last few weeks in Aspire, students have had the opportunity to explore careers and focus on preparing for Work Experience 2021. If students wish to discuss areas of interest, securing places or have any questions, they can contact the Pathways team via teams or by visiting us in the SLC (top of the oval).
If students have strived to secure a placement and have been unsuccessful, then they will be at school for the week. For that reason, we need to ensure paperwork is returned to the Pathways office prior to 21st May (the end of week 5 of term 2).
Paperwork required for 2021
1. Work Experience Arrangement Form
The Work Experience Arrangement Form must be completed and signed before the work experience commences. It must be signed by:
- the employer
- the student
- the parent/guardian of the student — if the student is under 18 years of age
- the Principal or Acting Principal (return forms to the Pathways office and we will arrange for Mr Ballagh to sign them)
2. Additional Work Experience form (Covid-19)
3. Safe@Work Certificates*
- General Module
- Industry Specific Module (once you know where you will be working)
*More paperwork may be required if you are:
1. working with animals
2. travelling with your employer/in employer vehicles
3. working on a jobsite for trades (white card must be obtained at your own cost)
All paperwork is available for students on Compass. Alternatively, students can visit the Pathways office.
Please note:
As with all school activities and Covid-19, Brentwood will make decisions regarding Work Experience 2021 in line with advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer and the Victorian Department of Education.