The class of 2021

Year 12

It is with out doubt Year 12, 2021 have been presented with many challenges and jumped many hurdles during their final years of secondary education at Guyra Central School.  

After 13 years we say goodbye to the most resilient, resourceful, determined Year 12 cohort that Guyra Central School has had to farewell, a cohort that has made history.

On behalf of our Guyra Central School Community, we wish each of you every success in your futures.


Guyra Central School would like to acknowledge Mrs Linley Ryan, our administration team, Mr David Moffit, Mr Simon Hanley for all of their hard work in making our Year 12 Valedictory and Formal special.  

Additionally, we would like to thank Guyra Central School P&C who purchased the flower wall for the Formal as a gift to Year 12.   


A message from Year 12 Advisor, Mrs Linley Ryan:


It is my absolute privilege and pleasure to have been the Year Advisor to this special cohort of students. “high school graduates of 2021”.


What makes them special.......


Firstly, this class will stand in history for every of being the class that served the longest tenure of their HSC school year. I believe never to be surpassed.


Secondly, Adversity. There has been plenty of hurdles over the past 2 years of their schooling. COVID during both years of their senior studies, and then there was drought and also bushfires. BUT can I just say, adversity does not determine who you are. 

It is how you react to adversity that determines you and how your life’s story will develop.

You have all demonstrated such resilience and strength over the past 2 years. You have not let the hurdles keep you down, but rather you all continued to push forward, to be flexible and find ways to step up to the challenges presented.


I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge this and how well you have done to complete the High school journey of learning.


Even though I have not been your Year Advisor throughout all your secondary education, I have certainly been with you since the beginning, watching you all learn and grow from little tackers in Year 7 to the mature young adults each of you are today.


It has definitely been a journey. We have had our ups and downs. We have lost some students along the way to other towns, schools, as well as work, however we have been blessed with the addition of new students as well. 

To Holly, I am so proud of how far you have come and for achieving your HSC. Cordy, your dedication and commitment to your studies have not gone un-noticed and you deserve everything that comes your way.

To all the long standing students, Alice, Carter, Harrison, Cooper, Claire, Olivia. You are a close knit unit and whilst you will find it difficult to leave each other and move on to the next chapter of your lives, you will never forget the memories.

To Leavi and Jordan, Leavi -you have found your feet, doing what you love. And Jordan, what an achievement to complete your HSC. CONGRATULATIONS!


I do hope you feel that I have supported each of you to achieve growth and reach your potential. I know I am not Mr Miller, but I have been honest and true to myself and done my best.


Thank you Year 12 for the fun times, the laughs and the tears. I have watched you endure some tough times, but you have come through it all better and stronger. I am very grateful to be part of your journey in your senior years of school.


Parents and Carers – You are also special, I am sure your child has already thanked you multiple times for your ongoing support, not only this year but throughout all your schooling to get you to this point.  But I would also like to thank each and every one of you for your dedication, commitment and support to your child. Thank you.


Congratulations Year 12, you have finally made it !!!


And I will finish with a quote:


In life we do things.  Some we wish we had never done.  Some we wish we could replay a million times in our heads. But they all make us who we are, and in the end they shape every detail about us. If we were to reverse any of them, we wouldn’t be the person we are. So just live, make mistakes, have wonderful memories. But never ever second guess who you are, where you have been and most importantly where it is your going.


I will leave you with these final words from Christian D Larson:


Believe in yourself and all that you are.

Know that there is something inside you

that is greater than any obstacle.


Departing message from Year 12


It has been a tough 2 years, but we are at the end and we did it! 


COVID-19 has changed many things for us, we have not been able to finish our final year traditionally together at school. It has been difficult to learn form home and prepare for our final exams and we have missed being together. Although our journey has been different we are thankful that we were able to finish together, to have our Valedictory and our formal with our families. We value each other so much and it was really important to us that we were able to celebrate this milestone together as one. 


We have made plenty of memories, had plenty of laughs, formed life long friendships and are thankful to have grown up together. 


We would like to say thank you to our Year Advisors Mrs Ryan and Mr Miller for their ongoing support and for always believing in us.  


Thank you to all of our teachers (past and present) who helped get us over the line.  




Year 12, 2021