Community Hub

Firstly I would like to thank you all for participating, supporting, volunteering and being a part of the DCC Community Hub 2021.


The DCC Community Hub is a space where families and community members feel safe and welcome.  The DCC Community Hub is here to connect families with each other, the school, and with existing services, including local organisations that can provide education, health and settlement.


This term I was so happy to meet some of you face to face at our Story in the Park sessions. I have loved meeting your children and seeing them interact with our programs.  I look forward to seeing them again next year for our playgroup sessions. 


Practicing English conversations online and hearing what matters to you as well as special guests during our online Community Conversations. We were very lucky to have One Education Group and the Wyndham Library visit our community sessions and we look forward to more guests next year.



We would also like to thank our parent and teacher volunteers who have made the Breakfast Club a success throughout the year.  We would not be able to provide free breakfast for our students if it was not for your assistance. We would love to see more volunteers next year.


We would also like to thank Woolworths at Williams Landing who donated $50 worth of food for sandwiches which we supply to any DCC students who may need lunch for whatever reason.


The DCC Community Hub is space for you and we welcome everyone who wants to participate, meet others, learn and grow. We look forward to 2022 and I look forward to meeting more of you and getting to know our DCC Community better.


Have a wonderful break and see you in 2022. Manuia le Kerisimasi ma le tausaga fou. 


Toe feiloa’i, 


Morwenna Petaia (Community Liaison Officer)