A Note From Tami-Jo

End of Year

We celebrated our End of Year assembly and awards on Monday 13th of December. A huge congratulations to all those who received an award. Our award winners are included in this newsletter. I am sure you are as proud of them as we are. 


Meet the Teacher Day was a huge success. The feedback from students was wonderful. Having that snapshot of their 2022 class was exciting. It is a complex process to place students, having to make many considerations such as friendship groups, peers that they may not work well with, personalities, teachers and academic ability. It is important to recognise that students benefit from these new experiences each year and grow as a result of being with new people and creating new relationships or staying with peers they have been with before and strengthening relationships or problem solving how to work with someone that they may not feel comfortable with. They are all life skills which research tells us is becoming more and more important. Students do not get to build their toolbox of strategies or practice them if they are not in challenging and uncomfortable situations at times. So, whilst some students may still feel some trepidation, be positive and remind them that school is a time to learn and grow. If you stay positive, they will too. 


As the year comes to a close, I want to say thank you for making me so welcome. I now feel like part of the furniture and am very committed to the success of our students and school. 


Please remember that school finishes on Friday at 12.30pm. We wish you all a safe and happy holiday and for those who celebrate Christmas, we hope Santa remembers you. School begins for students on February 1st 2022. 



We hope you all take the time to watch the end of year school concert together as a family. The link has been posted on compass so you can all access it. A huge thank you our Performing Arts staff and Concert Committee for their work. It was a huge undertaking with limited time once we were back onsite, but it was approached with enthusiasm and commitment. Fantastic work everyone. 



Thank you to those families who have paid their parent contributions. They can be paid either through Compass or at the office. 

Our preferred supplier for book packs is Paperchase. You can find the link on our website to order. For free delivery before the first day of school orders must be in by December 18th. 



Sam and I met with the Wyndham Council last week to discuss our traffic problem. We have had a number of complaints from families and people living around the school. We have also had complaints from the community to the Department about parents not driving safely, parking across driveways, double parking and various other unsafe practices. Their concerns were realised when a child was hit by a car last week at a neighbouring school. 


The council have been present several times in the last few months and while not visible, there were a number of infringements recorded and sent to the individuals involved. 

The council is going to complete a traffic survey next year to decide if and where another pedestrian crossing can be installed. It will also assist the decision as to whether there is another stop and drop zone around the school. They are also going to speak to the sustainable traffic coordinator about how we manage the traffic as the school grows.


Parents are encouraged to drop off at the community centre as the student can walk through the new back gate near the new bike shed next year also. 

Whilst there a number of possibilities to assist us next year, the burden of child and community safety remains with us. Please use the stop and drop zone where possible. If you are going to get out of your car and walk your child to class, make sure your park appropriately and drop off quickly so you are respectful of others wanting to do the same. Please be respectful of the community around us and do not park in any way that hinders them coming to and from their home. Do not do unnecessary u-turns as they clog traffic as well. 

Be mindful AT ALL TIMES of students. Be respectful to all members of our community with your behaviour and your language.


School Vaccination Letter

Best wishes for the holidays.

 Be safe and fill your buckets with things that bring you joy!
