Parents & Friends Association

Jacqueline Russell  |  Junior School Representative

Hello everyone,


My name is Jacqueline Russell, I am the new P&F Junior School Representative. I look forward to being part of the fabulous team that is the P&F Executive. As some might know, currently we are actively seeking parents in each year group to become P&F Year Representatives. This is throughout both the Junior and Senior schools. As we finalise the list of parents there will be an email sent to all Year Reps with suggestions and ideas of what to do in the role. 


One of the biggest aims is to arrange and encourage social events within the year group. The social network within a school is so important, not just for existing parents and children but especially for our new families. COVID has interrupted social opportunities greatly and here's hoping 2022 allows us to get out and about again.  


From personal experience being a Year Rep is a lot of fun! I am currently one of the Year 1 reps. Year 1 has managed pretty well despite the lockdowns! In the last almost 3 years, this year group has come together for a number of get-togethers. These included a 2020 Xmas picnic at Lake Canobolas (Santa even dropped off some early treats) with a second Xmas picnic happening this December, a particularly chilly March 2019 evening at an outdoor venue with kids running around everywhere, and not to forget a Mum's dinner coming up later this week. 


For the Junior School: We are welcoming 1-2 parents per year group. We have at least 1 parent for each year group, except current Year 6. If you are interested, as a year 6 parent or from other years, please email For interested parents of the Senior School, please make contact via this email address also.


With about 4 weeks left of school and the Christmas season approaching, now is the perfect time to renew old, as well as make new connections. Thank you to the parents who have already volunteered to help with this. 


Kind Regards

Jacqueline Russell


On behalf of the P&F Committee:

President | Sarah Glover (

Vice President | Leanne Lett

Secretary | Orion Jandera (

Treasurer | Jo Balcomb (

Junior School Representative | Jacqueline Russell

Senior School Representative | Nerida Sweetapple

Asst. Senior School Representative | Alison Bennett

Boarding Representative | Caroline Ivey

Asst. Boarding Representative | Christine Fraser