From the Chaplain

Rev. Dr Rosalie Clarke

This week we remember … at the 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month

Every year we remember those who have been affected by war – those who have died and those who experience the effects of its trauma physically and psychologically. We also remember their loved ones who have suffered alongside them.


It is easy for us to feel like war is a distant reality, but we do live in the shadow of war. It is arguable that we are all - more or less - complicit in its perpetuation through global structural injustices. It is worth keeping this in the front of our consciousness as we think about how we might contribute to peace in our lifetimes. 

  1. How can you be a person of peace?
  2. What could you do to bring peace in your family, and in your wider community?
  3. What can our community do to make our world a more peaceful place?

A Call to Remembrance


We hold before God,

The memory of people whose memory we cherish.

In this time of silence may we lift our eyes above the brokenness of this world and pray for those who might do us harm.

As we honour the past,

let us think of the future.

‘Lest we forget.’


God bless,
