Deputy Principal, Wellbeing 

This week, I thought I’d go in a different direction with my newsletter article. I think we have all, as parents/guardians, had times when we’ve picked the kids up from school and we ask, “How was your day?” I know I often don’t get much of a response at all. Below are some different questions that you might like to try, they are applicable from ELC right through to Year 12. I’ll be interested to see what sort of responses I get from my own children! 

1: What made you smile today?

2: What did you do today that was creative?

3: Did anything funny happen that made you laugh?

4: What was the thing most people did at recess/ lunch?

5: What was the best/worst part of your day? (explore further)

6: Did you help anyone at school today? 

7: What is something you heard that inspired/ surprised you? 

8: What is something that challenged you today at school? 

9: What are you looking forward to tomorrow?

10: Tell me your top two things from the day. 

11: If you could change one thing about your day, what would it be? 

12: What make you feel happy/ proud/ sad/ worried/ excited today? 

13: What are you looking forward to before the end of the school year?

14: How are things going for you right now with school/ friends/ work/ sport? 


Leading into the exam period for Years 7-11, I though some small anxiety reducing tips may also be beneficial for parents if the conversations arise. 









Kate Couchman

School Counsellor