Nearly there 

Some words from our School Captains

With only a few weeks to go, their final year of primary school hasn't been quite what they anticipated. Hear from our school captains on some of their thoughts about their time at CHPS:

Millie, Orlando, Minnie and Luca
Millie, Orlando, Minnie and Luca

Millie Maher

Every year I loved seeing who was in my class. I think I loved it because I knew that it would be a new year with new friends, and new challenges. I think one of the biggest highlights though was walking into the school on the first day of school with Olive Alexander in my pigtails and rosey red shoes. I felt pure joy at that moment. And I also loved the last couple of weeks of grade six because everyone was making each other laugh and being silly. I also loved all the times I laughed during school.  


What I wish for CHPS students in 2022 ...

Fun! I hope that everyone has the best time and that they don’t go into lockdown. I want everyone to put their ideas on the table and be who they want to be. I want everyone to laugh and enjoy themselves, and learn at the same time. 

Minnie Frawley

I have had a extremely fun 2021! It has been challenging at times due to lockdown and those blue and white things that everyone is wearing, but overall it has been a whole lot of fun. One of my favourite memories and one that I will never forget is when Jason and 5JC made a really nice video for me when I became school captain. When I got the video I was at a little school in the country, and it was amazing to know that my CHPS friends hadn’t forgotten me. 


Another highlight was quite a few years back in prep, it was my first ever walktober! I can remember all of my friends and I asking our parents to drop us off at the other side of darling gardens or at bakers delight so that we could win, and sure enough we did. The prize much to all of our delight was a lunch out for the whole class. We had pizza, ice cream, jelly and even orange fizzy drink. Shockingly we all still talk about that amazing lunch! All of the other highlights are hard to choose from, but one thing I’m sure of is that this year's camp is going to a blast, and one we will never forget. 


I have been asked to give some advice as I am a wise old owl, my advice for next 2022 year sixes is to make the most of your friends, your teachers, your area, it will all change soon enough. During these years we have all been forced to put some of our problems into perspective, so when I think about what I wish for all of the 2022 CHPS students is to be able to go everyday, have parties at the park whenever they feel necessary (all the time) and most of all to have enough fun to make up for the past few years and more. Have fun and I’ll see you at the beach! Minnie

Orlando Cigognini 

Ihave loved my time at CHPS. I have so many memories, but I have narrowed them down to three. The time we went to Angahook for Year Three camp, which was a delight doing low ropes, archery, making huts out sticks and even NIGHTTIME WALKS! It was a blast and if I had the opportunity I would most definitely go there again. Another one of my great memories was making regional in cross country which I went to several races before making the top ten and just missing out on going onto the next stage, which would’ve been state. My third favourite memory was probably making school captain. I got picked out of numerous great candidates, who did a fantastic job. I got voted in alongside Luca Rhodes, Millie Maher and Minnie Frawley which has been a great opportunity, such as meetings with the lovely principal Megan and fantastic teachers like Ben, Anna and Sarah.


I hope kids who attend CHPS make use of these fantastic facilities such as the new big kids' playground and the huge Year 5 and 6 new building which looks exciting. I hope you all enjoy it as much I think I would with the amazing new area. I hope you enjoy the rest of your time at CHPS.

Luca Rhodes

The top three moments in my CHPS journey are:

When I crossed the line in first place after three kilometres of gruelling cross country. When my name was called up to collect my school captain badge.

The moment when my 50m medley relay team touched the wall first and qualified for the regional champs.


I wish that the CHPS students of 2022 will value their education and show respect for Clifton Hill Primary School. They can do this through showing and thinking about the school values of kindness and empathy, critical and creative thinking, gratitude and inclusiveness. If students put these values into practice, our school and the surrounding community will be a safer environment for students to learn and play on.