Living Well, Learning Well

Mrs Rebecca Hofman

Week 7 Character Strength Awards

Our Character Strength focus for last week was perseverance. Our skipping showcase was a great example of how our students have had to try, try and try again in order to develop their skills and tricks. From watching students diligently practice and persevere during break times and class rehearsals, Mrs Long and Mrs Rheinberger were extremely impressed with two students who they recognised with their Perseverance award at last week's assembly. Congratulations Brandan Thompson and Zack Rawsthorne.  


The strength of perseverance has also been on show in the Kindergarten classroom this week. Each day, the students have been participating in free writing sessions, choosing a topic of interest and independently constructing their sentences. Students were encouraged to stretch out words and think carefully about what sounds they could hear to help them write. All students have worked extremely hard to compose their sentences, even attempting to spell words such as 'dangerous' and 'venomous'. After spending time in Kindergarten for their free writing sessions, Mrs Hofman was delighted to award her Perseverance award to Andy Bartholomew. 


 Week 8 Character Strength Focus

This week our focus is Fairness. 


At St. Joseph's School, we can show fairness by: 

  •  Allowing everyone to join in and have a go by taking turns. 
  • Treating people equally.
  • Letting someone else go first if you have already had a turn being first. 
  • Playing by the rules and listening to the ref. 

By building our character strengths, we can all work together to say:

People have a better day because I am here as part of the school team! 

Each week, we will display our focus for all students to see on our new Living Well, Learning Well display. We look forward to watching our students display fairness in all they do this week and encourage families to discuss this week's character strength at home.