Digital Technologies

The Digitial Technologies Contribution allows BNPS the ability to provide on-site technology and digital education staff, who maintain our fleet of devices and equipment. Our teachers use these important tools to give our students the education they seek now, and the digital capabilities they will need in the future. This contribution enables us to pay for;


  • ICT Equipment Purchases
  • ICT Equipment Leases
  • ICT Staffing
  • ICT Additional Specialist Support

It is the contributions from parents that have allowed us to deliver a strong and diverse program at BNPS. The ongoing support ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and equipment for our students. 

Our school community expects the very best for students, which we deliver to an exceptional level.

In 2022 we initiated leases of 200 new laptops for students in Years 5 & 6 which increased the total number of devices available for use in classrooms. This in turn allowed us to provide the following device-to-student ratios;


1:2 ICT devices - Prep - Year 4

1:1 ICT devices - Year 5 & 6


This approach of leasing devices is a positive approach in 2 ways, it enables us to have new devices every three years and the financial impact for families is reduced as they are not required to purchase their own device for school use.

In 2023 with your contributions, we hope to

  • Add additional laptops to the fleet to bring our Year 3 & 4 device-to-student ratio up to 1:1 
  • Upgrade legacy devices in Year 2 to bring this in line the newest devices in our fleet
  • Upgrade iPads in use in Prep & Year 1 to the latest version.

We want to thank you for all of your support. Your decision to make contributions enables the rich and diverse learning program that is on offer at BNPS.


Thank you to all of our families who have contributed to the 'Digital Technologies Contribution'. 



If you would like to also contribute, you are welcome to at your convenience throughout the year, via the Qkr app - School Payments > Education Contributions > Digital Technologies Contribution.