Year 9 Buddy Program

Cross-Age Tutoring

This term in Cross-Age Tutoring, Year 9s visited a Year 4 class at Bourchier St Primary School every Wednesday morning for four weeks. During their visits, the Year 9s worked with the Year 4s to create their own picture story book, dedicated to the imaginative ideas created within each group. 


Prior to the visits, Year 9s planned and prepared their own lessons for the Year 4s. They included their own resources needed for each lesson and planned out the learning focus for each week. Modifications were also made to cater to the specific interests and abilities of each student in their groups. 


Our Year 9s did a fantastic job and were excellent role models to the Year 4s, as well as demonstrating the GSSC core values to a high standard. Students were able to make friendships and bond well with their buddies. The lessons were often filled with a lot of laughter, conversations and creativity. At the end of the program, students were very sad to say goodbye to their buddies but were grateful to have the experience to work with the Year 4 class.


Anna De Smit

Classroom Teacher