Acting Principal's Report

Respect, Creativity, Endeavour, Friendliness, Honesty, Trust

Acting Principal’s Message

Year 3/4 Camp Manyung

This morning I have come back from the 3/4 Camp at Camp Manyung and am pleased to report that it has been a tremendous success!

Students have challenged themselves in various activities, not least of which the intimidating Giant Swing, as well as confronting some almost Artic conditions for the beach activities yesterday.

The enthusiastic smiles from Wednesday morning have transitioned into tired smiles this morning, but after a good sleep tonight, I'm sure all families will be regaled with tales of camp for a number of weeks to come!

Thank you sincerely to the staff who attended the camp this week, taking time away from their own families and routines to ensure that all students enjoyed themselves. Thank you to Sonia Robinson, Kirsty Davies, Emma James, Claudia Collins, Tess Walker, Erin Cheung, Lisa Ralling, Fiona Hall, Melissa K, Stephen Roche, Hannah (TeamKids coordinator and camp volunteer!) as well as a special guest appearance from RMPS Teacher-on-Leave Tristan Liao. Extra special thanks to Sonia Robinson for her hours of preparation work in ensuring that camp ran like a well-oiled machine!

Year 6 Graduation

Congratulations to our Year 6 students and staff on a wonderful celebration of the Class of 2022 at our Graduation Ceremony on Monday evening.

Our students looked outstanding in their finery and all delivered heartfelt speeches recognising friends, families, staff and memories of their time at school. Bookended by a dance and a song and peppered with nostalgic photos and video, all should be tremendously proud of themselves. Thanks to the Year Six team and associated helpers for organising the event, as well as to Nicole Perazzo and team for doing some fundraising throughout the year to ensure costs to families were as manageable as possible.

Staffing 2023

With our whole school 'Stepping Up' session planned for this coming Tuesday, it is timely to inform the community of teacher placements for 2023. Please note that these are current as of today - unforeseen circumstances have the potential to cause changes between now and the beginning of the school year. We are not expecting any such changes, but we will be sure to inform affected classes if changes are necessary.


FC: Claudia Collins

FP: Kate Pickburn

1B: Melinda Browne M-Th, Friday TBC

1/2R: Cheryl Ryan

2S: Anne Seymour

2R: Natasha Robb

3J: Emma James

3W: Tess Walker

4D: Kirsty Davies

4R: Sonia Robinson

5G: Renae Greer

5K: Nick Kong

6R: Stephen Roche*

6V: Ash van Hattum T-F/Tim Fearn-Wannan Mondays

Physical Education: Tim Fearn-Wannan (Tuesday-Friday)

Performing Arts: Erin Cheung (Wednesday-Friday)

Visual Arts: Katrina Cassidy (Wednesday-Friday)

LOTE (Japanese): Kelly Vimpani

Tutor Learning Initiative: Kelly Vimpani


Visual and Performing arts are returning to full-year programs in 2023, with STEM programs continuing to operate for all year levels when timetabling allows.

Please note that Stephen Roche will be Acting Assistant Principal during Term 1 while Peter Watson remains Acting Principal. We are currently in the process of confirming the teacher of Mr Roche's class while he is in this role.

Reminder: End of Year Concert - December 15th

A new event for Robbie Mac in 2022, we would like to invite all families to an end of year concert, to be held on the blue synthetic surface, on Thursday December 15.

Families can arrive from 5pm to set up a picnic blanket - feel free bring a gold coin or two along to purchase an icy treat to help cover the costs of the event.

Classes will then assemble from around 5:45pm in preparation for the singing festivities to commence around 6pm.

Thanks in advance to our staff for giving up your time to help on the night, as well as preparing your classes for their performance!

Reminder: Celebrating Amanda Wigg

At our final full assembly of the year, from 2:40pm on December 16, we will be celebrating our retiring Principal, Amanda Wigg. We would love as many community members who are available as possible to attend to help us thank Mrs Wigg for her decades of hard work and dedication to our school.

Reminder: Moving Schools in 2023?

A reminder that if your family is planning some new adventures for 2023 that may include moving on from Roberts McCubbin PS, we would very much appreciate your letting us know as soon as possible. 

Student enrolment numbers have a direct impact on staffing budgets so advance notice of departing families greatly assists our planning.

Likewise, if you are aware of families who are planning to join RMPS next year and haven't enrolled yet, please encourage them to do so at their earliest convenience.







Peter Watson

Acting Principal