From the

Assistant Principal 


Dear Parents/Carers,


Welcome to the 2023 school year. I hope all families had a relaxing holiday break and are ready for an exciting year of learning. I would like to welcome our new families to Rowville Primary School. Also, a special welcome to our 2023 Foundation students and their families who started their primary education journey on Monday with such excitement and enthusiasm.


At Rowville Primary School, we are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure all students can achieve their potential. We recognise that in order to be successful at school, students need support from both home and school. We know that a strong partnership can make a difference in your child’s learning journey and leads to better learning outcomes.


Next Thursday 16 February, all families are invited to attend our ‘Parent Information Evening and Welcome to School Barbeque.’ Parents will have the opportunity to meet our teachers, learn about the expectations and routines for your child’s year level, hear about the curriculum, important dates for the school year and how you can support your child at home with their learning.     



Parent Information Session Times


21st Century Learning Space 







Year 3


Year 2 




Year 4 


Year 1




Year 5



Year 6 


Parents will have an opportunity to visit their child’s classroom at the conclusion of the information session. Barry Plant Real Estate Rowville will be sponsoring a BBQ from 5.45pm - 6.45pm, which will be served outside the canteen area. Our specialist teachers will be supervising a range of team and co-operative games outside on the Sportsfield between 5.30pm - 7.00pm.  We look forward to seeing you there.


At Rowville Primary School all of our programs, actions and approaches are grounded in research. Some of my work as Assistant Principal is influenced by the research around health promoting schools. A health promoting school is defined as one that constantly strengthens its capacity as a healthy setting for living, learning, and working. A range of practices in our school support the implementation of this goal. We encourage students to choose nutritious foods and a healthy lifestyle through our Health and Physical Education and Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. Each classroom teacher will develop a way of celebrating birthdays that does not involve the sharing of bags of sweets, cakes, cookies or other food with the class. In line with our Health Promotion Policy, we respectfully ask that parents do not send sweet treat items to school for birthdays to be shared with the class.


Our Sunsmart Policy, outlines our commitment to ensure that all students wear the Rowville Primary School approved hat when they are outside from 1 September – 30 April.  We also provide time during fruit snack and lunch eating time for students to apply sunscreen before they go outside to play.


A number of our students have been diagnosed as being at risk of suffering from anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a severe, rapidly progressive allergic reaction that is life threatening. Our classroom teachers have informed parents of the classes affected about foods that may trigger an allergic reaction for a student at risk of anaphylaxis and request that these foods not be placed in the school lunchbox. 


Kind regards,


Tiffany Bamford

Assistant Principal