President's Report Term 4, 2022

- Rachel Imbesi 

Hi Livingston families


It’s hard to believe summer holidays are only around the corner and this will be our final newsletter of the year.  The end of year has hit suddenly! 


Special Mentions:

With a little under 2 weeks left of the term, on behalf of our committee and all our families, I would to thank our Director Louise, teachers, and educators for their dedication and commitment throughout the year. It’s the first full year of kindergarten since 2019. The staff has done an amazing job in developing and shaping our children in their early years learning.  We thank them for their passion, professionalism, enthusiasm, and warmth they show our children every day and we are extremely lucky to have such experienced and high-quality educators. 


Livingston Committee:

A big shout out to this year's Committee of Management who have given up their time to ensure the smooth running of our community kindergarten. Thank you for your dedication and support as we simply cannot operate without you. We held our AGM on the 21st of November and a new committee was elected for 2023. We welcome all our new members as we transition the committee. 

*There is still one position to be filled, Grants Officer, please contact Louise or me if you are interested in taking this role on (we have 2 grants officer positions, with one position already filled).


End-of-Year Party

It was fantastic to see Livingston families gather at the Highett Bowls Club for the end-of-year Christmas party. Thank you to Zoe and Sarah for organising this special event, which allowed our kinder community to come together and celebrate. 



I would like to wish all our families a wonderful and safe festive season. Enjoy the summer holidays. If you are leaving our kindergarten this year, we wish you and your family all the best. For those returning next year, we look forward to welcoming you back in the new year. 


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if I can assist in any way:


Take care, 



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