Senior Unit - 5/6

Last night the Year 6's graduated!

Firstly, we enjoyed a delicious dinner at the Vic Hotel. Once we finished we paraded back to school to many cheers from the Woodend community. 

Parents met the students at the front gate and made their way up the hill to the hall to the sounds of Year 6s playing samba drums. Once in the courtyard, the parents were blown away with the student’s marimba skills. 

As we entered the hall, we couldn’t believe how fantastic the hall looked. Thank you Danielle, Vanessa and Nicola for transforming the hall into something spectacular.


Our first performance was Sweet Child of Mine by Guns and Roses, which set the tone for the night. Then it was time for the awards ceremony:


These students received an award on the night:

  • Rob Mitchell McEwen Award - Lachlan Bonavia
  • CWA Scholarship Award - Ellie Norman
  • Mary-Ann Thomas Resilience Award -  Ella Putkunz and Cooper Park Howe
  • Rotary Club Award - Coen Poynton and Rose Doolan
  • Lions Club Award - Hugh Dawson and Leah Akbasak
  • Principal’s Award - Jordan Muscat and Lilly Symons
  • Phys. Ed. - Hugh Dawson and Gabby Bau
  • French - Jack Keniry and Sara James-Yeomans
  • Art - Polly Briody Clear and Ben Morgan
  • Music - Tom Brocklesby and Charlie Tracey

We all had our time to shine by being introduced by our teachers and shaking hands with Mrs. Ellis while our parents took photos of us. We watched our classmates get interviewed during ‘Street Talk’ and also morph from their Prep photo into their Year 6 photo. 


Thank you to Mr. Bromley for helping us practise through recess and lunch times. Thank you also to the teachers who put in heaps of effort to make the graduation memorable for everyone.


Even though there were lots of tears and hugs, the Year 6s will never forget their journey through Woodend Primary School. - Lucca and Petra. 

Year 5/6 Teachers

Nathan Spilsted, Kat Harrap, Jad Geer/Ashleigh Dodds, Courtney Lawrence, 

Mark Condon