
Unbelievably, it is the end of the school year, a year that has just flown past, it seems, very fast!


After the challenges of the two previous school years, it was great to have the students on-site for the full time, minus any forced “holidays” because of the pesky little virus, whose name I won’t mention (a bit like a certain character in Harry Potter!!). I’m pretty confident I managed to learn the names of MOST of the students. Some I just cannot get right, which has been an annoyance for the student, but a bit of a laugh for me and their classmates. I always promise to know their name by Year 6!!


Speaking of Year 6, it was a pleasure to attend the Graduation of our wonderful Year 6’s last night. Seeing them looking all very grown up and ready for the next stage of their learning, was a delight and it is a privilege to have gotten to know them and to see them grow from the preps they were when I started in the Library six years ago!!


It’s a good thing to remember that this is the first step of many, the first success and the first achievement for you all and I wish all the Graduating Year 6’s and all those students who are leaving us at the end of this year, many more successes and achievements to come.


Merry Christmas and a very Happy & Safe New Year to all our wonderful families, and look forward to seeing you again in the new year for another fantastic year.


P.S. Keep your eyes out for any troublesome library books that are yet to be found/returned!!


Susan Machell