Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1


  • Alex has demonstrated good listening in class.
  • Esa for following morning routine schedule.  

Room 2


  • Benjamin and Albert for transitioning into the classroom and listening to teacher instructions. 


Room 3

  • Valentino has demonstrated he can follow a visual timetable with support.
  • Marshall has demonstrated he can follow a visual timetable with support.


Room 4

  • Lara for working hard with her writing and doing a great job with her letter formations.
  • Affan for trying his best in all tasks and showing enthusiasm while learning.


Room 5

  • All of room 5 for settling into their new room and school routine. 

Room 6

  • Zachary has done very well transitioning to different learning areas in school.
  • Sharwin demonstrated his learning skills by actively participating in the morning circle in class.

Room 7

  • All of room 7 for making new friends in their new class. 

Room 8

  • Keerthi, for using beautiful manners when asking for help
  • Maddison, for using the core board to ask for playground and food. 

Room 9

  • All of room 9 for settling well into room 9 and trying their best to follow classroom routines