Primary Sub-School News

Rachael Macmillan
Rachael Macmillan

How wonderful to see all our Primary students at school after the holiday break! A special welcome to our beautiful Prep students as well as our new primary students Valentino, Decon and Ashwarth. Students have settled into their new classrooms so well, and this is undoubtedly due to the experience students have had during our Transition Week at the end of 2022. Many students have walked into school and headed to their new classrooms with confidence about where they are going. Students have really enjoyed seeing their peers and the familiar staff again.  


We have been fortunate to gain three new teachers in the Primary Sub School. Mary is a Learning Specialist who is teaching in Room 4. Keeley has sought our school out from overseas and will begin teaching in Room 5 on Monday, and Santhy is the teacher in Room 6. A very warm welcome to our new teachers in Primary! 


There is an opportunity to meet your child's teacher, and discuss their individual academic, social and personal goals at the Student Support Group (SSG) meeting this term. If you have not yet made time with your child's teacher, return the slip or contact your child's teacher in the student diary. These meetings have run this week and will continue for another two weeks after school. 


The UV is often high during the month of February, and we are teaching students to be safe in the sun. Staff support students to wear their hats and apply sunscreen before they play outside. Please ensure your child has a sun hat at school with their name on it. It is also important to ensure that your child has a set of spare clothes at school. Students often engage in water play or other activities that require a change of clothing.  Lastly, please ensure that all your child's items, including their drink bottle and lunch box, are clearly labelled with their name to ensure they are returned to you. 


Please remember to contact your child's teacher if you have any concerns or information to pass on. The student diary and the SeeSaw app are the best ways to communicate, and these need to be checked regularly for updates. You can contact me at or call  0467 728 947.



Room 1


Room 1 Preps have had an amazing start to Term 1! They have been busy exploring their school environment. In Week 1, they have enjoyed getting to know their peers and classroom staff. They have been learning about classroom routines such as unpacking their bags in the morning, lining up to go outside and packing up their toys. They have participated in morning circle, sensory and art activities!


Room 1 Preps have enjoyed watching nursery rhymes, alphabet and counting songs on the interactive whiteboard and going to the playground! Well done for a fantastic week! Room 1 staff are looking forward to getting to know the Preps and their families. We are excited to support them achieve their goals for 2023 and create meaningful learning experiences in their first year at JSA!