Making Jesus Real

Scripture Reference:
“I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me drink,
I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
~ Matthew 25: 31-40 ~
At St. Brendan's Primary School the students are encouraged to live like Jesus by Making Jesus Real in their daily interactions.
Throughout the year we invite our families to reinforce each set of social skills that are the focus for each fortnight. These social skills link with the Making Jesus Real (MJR) program in our school. For the coming fortnight we encourage our students to be WELCOMING. This is the first word that comes from our WEST acronym and is displayed proudly on our Making Jesus Real Mural.
Thank you
We are welcoming our new Foundation and the other new students who have joined other classes throughout our school. We are working towards all students in our school feeling WELCOMED and INCLUDED. Some words of welcome we can use:
- Hello, What’s your name?
- Would you like to play?
- Come and Join in?
- Would you like to work with me?
Welcoming others by using their NAME.
It would also be nice to encourage our students to use people’s name.
1.Teacher’s name
2 Student’s name
3. Parent’s name
4. Greeting others in the morning