School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)

How to be a good friend

Rachael Mazzaglia, Student Wellbeing has been visiting classrooms and working on the concept of "How to be a good friend?."  The students brainstormed what makes a good friend and how to be a good friend.  Activities included taking part in role-plays and working on the school values of the 4Ps - Positivity, Persistence, Pride and Passion. The Year 3 students then made posters to display around the school. 



One of the strategies the students discussed was the THINK strategy. This strategy reminds students to THINK before acting or speaking.  

Ask the questions - If the answer is no to any of them then do not do or say it.

T - is it true?  H - Is it helpful? I - Is it inspiring? N - Is it necessary?  K - Is it kind?

Respectful Relationships