Parents & Friends

The P&F Welcome Picnic


In spite of the threatening weather and a very wet start to the day, the P&F Welcome Picnic went ahead on the evening of Wednesday, March 24.  After seeking the cover of the MYC, we greeted hundreds of Huntingtower parents, students and friends over the course of two hours. 



Those who attended were entertained by our amazing student music performers and enjoyed a sausage sizzle, supported by the Year 9 student baristas and the HT coffee Cart.  It was a wonderful evening with the warmth and spirit of the HT community evident throughout.



Our sincere thanks to Mr Houghton and the team of teachers who were present on the night, to Mr Blazejczak for organising the entertainment, to Mrs Storey and her barista team and, of course, to our P&F committee who ensured the evening was a success from beginning to end.




At our recent AGM, on request from Mr Houghton, the P&F resolved to sponsor the acquisition of a defibrillator unit for the PAC.  This important, potentially life-saving device, has been purchased and will be installed in the foyer of the PAC.  Although grateful to have been the sponsor of this unit, we certainly hope that it is never needed to be called upon! Thank you Mr Houghton for extending the opportunity for the P&F to support this important acquisition.



Library Donations


Further sponsorship of the school was another outcome of the March AGM.  The P&F committee resolved to once again support our Junior and Senior School libraries in 2021.  Our librarians, Mrs Knight and Mrs Hamzi, have been invited to order books for their respective libraries to the value of $750 each, a total of $1,500 investment in new books.  This continued investment was made possible from fundraising undertaken in 2020 and it is a valuable additional investment in the literacy and engagement of the Huntingtower student community.  In the next issue of the Bulletin and Junior News, we will update the community on the titles chosen by our librarians.




Early in March, the P&F held our important AGM. We were grateful to have been able to meet face-to-face and warmly welcomed our Principal, Mr Houghton, our Class Representatives for 2021 and new committee members.  


It was a productive and congenial meeting with key plans being set for the year ahead.  We also conducted our elections of key office bearers for 2021.  Stuart Canning, Lana Tyurina and Yong Zhang were re-elected unopposed in their roles of President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.  We look forward to attending to the business that lies ahead in 2021 and to resuming our presence around the school.


Honey Fundraiser 2021


Our always-popular Honey Fundraiser will be repeated this year and we invite all families, staff and friends of Huntingtower to order your supply of honey via our honey drive.  






This initiative will be launched at the beginning of Term 2 and orders will once again be possible through the Huntingtower online portal. 


We will be sourcing our honey from Pure Peninsula Honey with the offer of 6 enticing flavours in 2 pack sizes.  We will release details of the products and how to order at the beginning of Term 2.  Please support this drive as well as the local beekeeping industry.  


All  profits from this fundraiser will be returned to the school for the benefit of our students via P&F initiatives and programs.