Stage 6 Updates
Stage 6 Assembly
Last week we held our first Stage 6 Assembly for 2021. We celebrated our students’ many successes with awards to those who have displayed the learning practices that we have chosen to highlight this year: grit, determination, responsibility, focus. These personal qualities emphasise the establishment of good learning habits. We believe this is an important way to give our students an indication of the skills they need to develop if they are to achieve their best. It was great to see so many students awarded for their work this term, and for their ability to settle to learning. It is always a pleasure to be part of the award ceremony.
We also took the opportunity to farewell Mr Horton, who has been our Stage 5 Deputy Principal since the creation of ASC following amalgamation. Therefore, many students in our current Stage 6 have worked with him over the past couple of years. Instead of our student musical item , Mr Horton delighted us by singing and playing his ukulele He also addressed the assembly about his experiences as teacher for 37 years. He urged us all to be kind in the way we treat each other and to be courageous in all we do.
We also acknowledged the Crew groups who have the best attendance statistics for this term --- well done to Mr Knuckey’s Year 12 group with an attendance rate of 90% and Mr Elbourne’s Year 11 class with a rate of 93.11%!
BYOD policy
We are aiming that our current Year 11, 12 and 7 are completely BYOD.
Stage 6 students who do not have a device for school can hire one from the school for a fee of $50 per term. This fee goes to a dedicated IT fund to help purchase replacement devices in the future. Students need to pick up a lease form from Ms Hoddinott and pay their deposit at the office before being issued with laptop.
Please take advantage of this great opportunity to ensure all students have equal access to education.
Sporting achievements
Well done also to all students who have taken part on the recent sport trials, and especially those who have been selected.
Wishing everyone a well-earned break.
Please feel free to contact me or Mr Vaughan if you have any queries about stage 6
Ms Hoddinott
Deputy Principal - Stage 6