
Welcome Back to the Boardo!

It has been with great pleasure we have welcomed 60 boarders back to the House this week. Our thoughts are of course with our boarders who are unable to return to the boarding house at the moment, and we continue to be optimistic for their return in the future.

Gabbi Bensch - Head of Macdonald House
Gabbi Bensch - Head of Macdonald House

On Monday afternoon and evening it was overwhelming to be witness to the positivity, happiness and warmth returning into our boarding house. In preparing for the term our Boarders returned with bikes, horses, and as much gear as possible so they are able to enjoy each and every moment of the term. Decorating rooms, setting up study desks and catching up on the latest gossip definitively dominated the first night back! 

Much the same as Term 2, boarders will be engaging in their own training and activity each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon or until their chosen sport has officially returned to training and games. It is without doubt our boarders are prepared, ready and raring to get back into the rhythm of school life, which is a true sign of their unwavering hard work and kindness.

I would like to thank all of the parents who have been so positive with our journey thus far. I know many have relished in having their son or daughter at home and it is again difficult to say good bye but be assured we continue to offer all boarders as much as possible to keep them well supported in particular with our theme of nutrition, sleep and exercise.

South Australian Boarders


It is a special welcome to our South Australian boarders who had remained at home for an extended period of time in Term 2. Our South Australian families have endured significant challenges and recently Dani England (Georgina England Yr 9) has been nominated as a parent liaison to work with the South Australian Government in gaining an exemption to the SA-VIC border so boarders are able to go home on a weekend to be with their family. Thank you to all families, and in particular Dani for the work she has done and continues to do here.

Welcome to our new Speirs House Boarder - George Huf (Year 7)


George has been at the College from ELC and is pleased to have made the move to become a boarder. Home for George is on a farm about 30mins from College. George has seamlessly transitioned with the help of our year 7 boarders, Will and Harry. George has primarily made the move to continue with his passion of basketball and football games and training. As a committed sportsman, George is pleased with the recent lifting of restrictions so he can once again play at least one of his favourite sports. We welcome George to the boarding house and look forward to being witness to his progress over the forthcoming years.

George Huf - Year 7
George Huf - Year 7

Andrew Monk

Director of Boarding