From the Principal

Welcome back!

Welcome back.  We have had a very positive start to term and there is a wonderful vibe around the College with everyone acknowledging how fortunate we are to be a regional school. We welcomed four new students this term: Marianna & Jack Novikov in the Junior School and Portia & Lexie Northcott in the Senior School and we were equally thrilled to welcome back all our South Australian boarders, many returning after a seventeen week absence! 


With COVID-19 dominating the news and some media reports of cases in closer proximity to Hamilton, there is no doubt that this causes concern.  I want to assure you that I am personally in contact with the CEO of the Western District Health Services to ensure we have the most up-to-date information and that all College staff are taking the necessary precautions to ensure that our school is a safe place for your children to be.  We are monitoring the State Government’s advice and working with members of the local Hamilton community to prioritise the safety and wellbeing of our school families.  We continue to focus on connection, calmness and cohesion. If the environment dictates that we need to change our approach, we will do so quickly and will keep you informed.  If you have any questions, please contact us at any time.


This week, I emphasised at both the Myrniong and Senior School assemblies the importance of observing our core value of respect. Respect is about having due regard to others’ feelings, wishes and rights.  Respect is also a feeling of deep admiration for something considered important or based on someone’s achievements.  In my mind what makes The Hamilton and Alexandra College so great is that we embrace both definitions and acknowledge ‘respect’ is a shared responsibility. We demonstrate ‘respect’ by treating others the way we would like to be treated and by placing importance on the way we wear uniform and other College rules that this school has observed for almost 150 years.  Understandably, I sense many students have been distracted by the joys of remote learning and now, as a new term awakens, we must re-adjust our expectations to thrive not survive! 


To capture the essence of school messages delivered at our junior and senior school assemblies, please follow this link  to share in our story this term. 


Dr Andrew Hirst
