Resource Centre 

Welcome back to Term 3

Did you know the Resource Centre is open after School? 

The purpose of the opening hours is to support students with their studies, in particular the Year 12 students.  Allowing them a quiet space to concentrate with access to print resources. It is also a space for them to meet with teachers to discuss their school work or assessments.

We ask that students inform Resource Centre staff when they are going to stay late so we are aware they are on site in case of emergencies.


Opening Hours:

Monday-Thursday  8.30am to 4.30pm

Friday 8.30am to 4.00pm



If the book your child is looking for is not part of our collection, please let us know and we will try our best to locate and purchase the materials for them. 


Resource Centre Committee Meetings

The Resource Centre Committee meeting will be held at Lunchtime on Monday Red Week.

The next meeting will be on Monday 28 July.


New Resource Arrivals

July Arrivals

Book Week Reminder:  Term 4 - Week 3

Change of Dates: This year Children’s Book Council of Australia will be holding our Book Week Celebration in Term 4 - Week 3 (19 – 23 October, 2020).

The Pop-up book fair will run on the 20-21 October. 

The Character Parade will be Wednesday 21 October.


Suggested Web Links

I have added this section into the library page of the newsletter for a number of reasons:

  • To help develop/support students love of reading for pleasure;
  • To support and encourage adults love for reading;
  • To introduce forums for adults and children alike share their love for reading - many of these are national and international forums and websites.  (Adult)
    I often tune into the recording of "What are you reading?"  They have a wealth of tools to interact with. (Children and Young Adults)

The “ What are you reading?” session is usually on Fridays after school. 

The content on this page is developed by a Teacher Librarian.  The content includes book reviews, teachers notes, blogs and much more related to books and teaching children to read. You can also follow her on many social networks as well.


Please feel free to contact me if you want more information. Next newsletter I hope to add a few more links that can support your child's, as well as your own, love of reading.


MAG’s Reading Challenge

Moama Anglican Grammar’s Reading Challenge has been designed to encourage students to select books they may not usually read and use different characteristics of books to make their choice.

Students can collect the checklists from the library staff or download the attached PDF.


The category students can use to find reading materials until the next newsletter is:  

A Memoir/Biography


As students read books from five or ten different categories, encourage them to see one of the Library Staff to have it marked off.


Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) 2020

The Premier’s Reading Challenge is in full swing. Everyone is welcome to join, if you have completed this challenge in previous years, use the same username and password to enter your books onto the website. If you can’t remember your username or password, email the library and we will be able to rectify the issue.  If you would like to join for the first time we will endeavor to sign you up to the site.


Keep Reading!!!


Ms Height, Mrs Price and Mrs Jepson

Resource Centre Team