
VET Primary Industries - Ear Tagging Day

Miss Garden taught Year 11 Vet Primary Industries students how to skillfully ear-tag sheep this week. The lambs received national livestock identification tags, while the ewes received their special personalized named ear tags. 

HSC Maths Study Session

While COVID-19 makes it difficult for us to conduct everything we normally do at School, our teachers are finding innovative ways to ensure that our students don’t miss out on important opportunities.

This week Mr Warren organised for Year 12 Maths students to have access to a live Zoom HSC Study Session – “How to Smash the HSC Exams”.  Through the session students obtained important information and advice from the expert presenter on: examination strategies, how to use previous papers to prepare, previous and common HSC exam questions, key skills to be mastered, and much more.


Thanks to Mr Warren for making sure our Year 12 students don’t miss out! 

Zooming with the Governor of New South Wales

Today some of our legal studies students were fortunate enough to have an online meeting with the honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of New South Wales. Governor Beazley has a long and distinguished law career, and as part of her virtual tour of Moama, was keen to connect to Moama Anglican Grammar and, in particular our legal studies students. The Governor gave students career advice and told them how she reached her current position, telling of some of the ups and downs along the way.

After meeting with the students, the Governor met with our School Principal, Carmel Spry, to discuss how the current COVID-19 situation and restrictions are affecting the region, our students and our School.