Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

Positive Behaviour for Learning, known as PBL, is an evidence-based whole school systems approach that:

  • addresses the diverse academic and social needs of every student to support them to be successful.
  • supports students in early childhood settings through to senior years of schooling.
  • enables schools to establish a continuum of supports that are intensified to meet the needs of every student.
  • is team driven, using a problem solving approach (data, systems and practices) that engages students, parents and all school staff.
  • establishes positive social expectations for all in the school community.
  • provides a framework for the school and its community to collectively support the wellbeing of every student.

When implemented well:

  • students respond positively as they have been taught what is expected of them.
  • staff deliver consistent responses to student learning and behaviour.
  • students feel safe and cared for at school. Their parents, family and community are more involved in their school.
  • unproductive and challenging behaviour can be significantly reduced for most students.

Club Chippy

In the first half of Term 3, we have been implementing a new quiet, safe place for student's to play and relax at Break 2 called Club Chippy. The name of the quiet space was voted on by our students and the activities within are based on their ideas and suggestions. 


Club Chippy is held in the Kinder Blue and Kinder Red classrooms and is supervised by a teacher and SLSO. Children are able to engage in quiet activities that help to build their social and communicative skills while in a safe and supportive environment. 


So far, Club Chippy has been a successful addition to our playground and we have enjoyed seeing students find and make new friends and become more confident safe, respectful learners. 


Zones of Regulation 

The Zones of Regulation were first implemented at the end of Term 2 and continue to be used in the classroom to help students self-regulate their emotions and feelings. 

There are four Zones that students can experience and these are:

  1. Blue Zone
  2. Green Zone
  3. Yellow Zone
  4. Red Zone

Our PBL lessons help to teach students how to recognise which Zone they are in and then how to self-regulate their emotions if needed. Students learn about the signs that tell them if they are feeling sad, angry, excited, worried etc. and then use strategies such as quiet time out, a cold drink, deep breathing or a small snack to help them return to the desired Zone.