Principal's Message 


Welcome Back.....


I am proud to say all students are settled back into classrooms – I have all of my fingers and toes crossed that this term will be far more settled than the previous two terms.  Our children are incredibly resilient and we know they can continue to shine with all us all supporting them.  


Due to feedback from our community about a preference for online information and celebration at BAPS, our Newsletter will be released in weeks 3,6 and 9.  Make sure you like our Facebook page, down load our app and check the school's website for information.  




Education Week celebrates public education. This year’s theme is “Learning Together”. What a fitting theme for this year – remote learning certainly meant we were all learning together. COVID 19 gave the opportunity for our parents and carers to participate as partners in learning.  We will still hold our traditional awards ceremony but it will be recorded through images and shared with our community.  




This year is the end of the current School Plan. 2021 will see a new way of planning in schools “Strategic Improvement Plan” and also a new planning cycle. We have formed a “Strategic Improvement Plan” team of staff members and we are starting to work on the collection of data for our situational analysis that authentically describes our school. A part of this process will be collecting opinions and ideas from our community.

I strongly urge you to spend some time filling in the surveys when they are released. It is vital that all stakeholders have a voice in the direction of our school for the next 4 years. I am currently working on a suite of surveys for students, staff and community. I look forward to receiving your feedback and using this in our planning process.  If deemed safe by health regulations, we will also look into ways we can connect through forums either face to face or virtually.  Make sure you have your say. 


COVID - 19 may have changed the way we do things but it certainly hasn’t diminished the motivation of our staff to provide our children with the best education possible. Our school is proud of its history of genuine and positive involvement of our community.  We look forward to when our community can be more actively involved in our school again.  Until the health advice changes, we will need all parents and carers to enter the school grounds only for planned meetings and utilise phone conferences to contact teachers. 


On behalf of the entire staff, we would again like to express our sincere gratitude for the unwavering support you devoted to your children during the last 2 terms. We appreciate how invested you all were in your child’s academic progress, and even more impressed by the way you were all willing to adapt, learn and manage during such an unexpected change and unfamiliar situation.


Don't forget to remind our children how precious they are .....


Mr Dalkeith