Keep Informed

The Parents Website
The Parents Website is an initiative of Independent Schools Victoria, providing a curated selection of news, features and resources for parents on raising and educating children.
We would like to remind you of the excellent resources on ISV’s Parents Website which offer expert information and open access to useful resources and reassurance during this time of COVID-19 crisis. This is a free site, expertly curated and available to all, and we encourage you to have a look.
Mrs Catriona Wansbrough
Enrolments for 2021
We have commenced our planning for 2021 and confirming places for new students to start in Term 1, 2021. Unless we have been advised, we are assuming that all current students will be returning to the College in 2021.
If a student is not returning to the College, in line with the enrolment policy, one term’s notice in writing is required. If the notice is not received on time, one term’s tuition fees in lieu of notice will be charged. This requirement is clearly noted in the Enrolment Agreement Form which all parents/guardians signed when their child(ren) was enrolled.
To assist with our planning we ask you to advise the College by Friday 18th September 2020 if a student is not returning to the College in 2021. The notice should be addressed to the College Registrar and can be sent via email to It will be helpful to receive this notice as soon as possible as it will allow us to offer any vacant places to students on our waiting lists.
If there are siblings of current students wanting to enrol at the College, it is important that parents submit an enrolment application two years prior to commencement of their planned entry. This allows the College to provide a priority place for siblings of current students.
Please do not hesitate to speak with the Registrar, Mrs Suzy Song (8847 8309) if you have any concerns regarding this information or if you need clarification in any way.
Mr Darren Waterworth
Business Manager
College AGM
Dear College Community,
On behalf of the St Andrews Christian College Board of Directors, I would like to invite you to attend the 2020 Annual General Meeting to be held at 7:30pm on Thursday 27th August 2020. Because of the current restrictions, the AGM will be held via Zoom.
To register and participate in the AGM, please click this link
Please refer to the AGM Agenda for further information. If you require any clarification about the AGM, please don’t hesitate to contact me –
Mr Darren Waterworth
Business Manager
Wearing of Masks at St Andrews
Dear Parents and Friends,
The Victorian Government recently announced further measures to control COVID-19, including the mandatory use of face masks in Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire.
In summary, when people in those areas leave their homes for permitted reasons - to shop for essentials; to provide care; for exercise; and to work and study if it can’t be done at home – they will be required to wear a mask or face covering. The fine for not wearing a face covering will be $200. This announcement and subsequent comments by the Premier to the media included details regarding schools, teachers and school-age children.
Although the Government has stated that children under 12 years of age do not have to wear masks at school, we will be requiring everyone who is on site at St Andrews Christian College to wear a mask. That is all staff and all students are to wear masks when at school.
If for some reason you are not able to wear a mask, please contact either Tim Farmilo (Deputy Principal) or myself for permission. If people are on site all day at the College, they will need to bring spare masks (preferably in a zip-lock plastic bag).
Instructions for MASK wearing:
- Ensure mask covers mouth and nose, fitting the face snugly.
- Wear single use surgical masks or cloth masks.
- BYO masks to school in a snap-lock (zip-lock) bag.
- Surgical masks: do not reuse masks and refresh with a new one after lunch or if mask gets too damp.
- Cloth masks need to be washed after use.
- Wash hands before putting a mask on and before taking one off.
- Don’t touch your face while wearing a mask without first sanitising your hands.
- Don’t remove your mask to talk with people.
- Dispose all used masks in the bin – except if they are made cloth masks – which need to be washed and dried before use again.
- Cloth masks preferably have 3 layers.
- Masks must be worn all day, not just in class time (with the exception only for consuming food or drink).
- Everyone will be expected to wear a mask on the way to and from school.
Miss Mardi Easton has kindly offered her helping hands providing opportunities for staff and students to sew their own reusable masks during recess and lunch breaks.
For information about common Mask Myths and FAQs click here.
Thank you for your cooperation to help keep everyone safe!
Mrs Catriona Wansbrough
Temperature checking at St Andrews
In order to support community awareness of the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) and to help identify children displaying symptoms, all schools located in Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire have been instructed commence temperature screening of students while the Stay at Home restrictions are in place. This process however is something we at St Andrews have had in place for some time.
As a reminder to our community we'd like to outline our process as this is an important public health measure to promote awareness of symptoms associated with coronavirus (COVID-19) and to ensure that unwell students remain at home.
The following process for students and staff who are on the school campus applies:
- Temperature is to be checked at one of the following locations by a designated staff member; Middle School entrance, Senior School entrance, Head of Junior School Office, Reception & MPH Kitchenette for those Prep – Year 9 students who are undertaking learning on-site.
- Once the temperature has been taken, the student or staff member will be given a coloured sticker. They will be required to wear the allocated coloured sticker on their uniform or clothing to identify that their temperature has been taken for the day.
If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact Mrs Cheryl Pajor at Reception.
Mr Tim Farmilo
Deputy Principal
College Operations Information
Dear College Community,
Throughout the year the College is required to provide various government departments with information regarding the College’s operations.
Please refer to the attached letters providing details of the information that we will provide for the 2020 Non-Government School Census and the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability.
If you require any further information or explanation about the information the College will provide, please contact Darren Waterworth (Business Manager) who manages this process.
Your sincerely,
Catriona Wansbrough