VCE Studio Arts

Studio Arts students have been working extremely hard on their SAT Folio development task. They are required to demonstrate their knowledge of artists that inspire them, analysing artworks that relate to their chosen concept they intend to communicate and make connections with their Exploration Proposal which outlines their plans for their final artworks. The year 11 students have been exploring a variety of art forms including digital art, ceramics, drawing, painting, mixed media and photography to expand their understanding and trialing new techniques. Their study of artists from different cultures and time periods that have a common theme throughout the art movement of surrealism is demonstrated in their research and school assessed course work. The year 12 students have focused on their own interests to develop potential directions which are ideas they want to communicate through a final artwork. They will also be learning about the Art Industry Contexts by understanding how a gallery is organised and the procedures for curating, installing, storing and conserving artworks.

-Ms Schwabe