Pastoral Care and Wellbeing News

Thank you to everyone for their efforts during Term 2, contributing to a smooth transition from remote learning back to on-site learning. It has been wonderful to see everyone and continue our work and learning together. We wish everyone a fabulous holiday/break, and look forward to seeing you all in Term 3 to begin Semester 2.







Our fabulous SWPBS banners have arrived! 


Here are our Patrick and Brigid House Leaders with students and their banners! The banners highlight our behaviour framework. ‘Respect, Commit, Be Grateful’ - and our matrix of expected behaviours.  




Special Report ~ Happiness and Gratitude


Happiness is defined as the balance of positive and negative emotions, combined with overall life satisfaction. Happiness and gratitude have been studied in positive psychology for many years and researchers have found that gratitude is always strongly associated with greater happiness. Although everyone has their own definition of happiness, many of us want to feel more positive emotions than negative ones. However, negative emotions are still important. They have a lot to teach us and alert us when things need to change. Practising gratitude helps people feel more of the positive emotions, enable us to relish good experiences, improve our overall health, deal with adversity and build strong relationships.


Wear our uniform with pride!


A reminder as we near the end of Term 2 (and considerably colder weather!) and moving toward Semester 2 and Term 3,  to wear our uniform with pride. Please remember non-uniform items (including beanies and hoodies or alternative jumpers) are not acceptable. Please let your House Leader or Wellbeing Team members know if you are having difficulty or require some assistance with accessing uniform items. If you have items of uniform that are no longer needed and are willing to donate them to the school, they will be gratefully accepted!