School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)

School Wide Positive Behaviour School

Positive Acknowledgments.

As part of Cranbourne South’s role as an SWPBS school the teachers are looking for students who are displaying positive behaviours with their Remote Learning. Each day as the teachers log onto Seesaw they will be looking for examples of student work that displays one of our school values- Positivity, Pride Persistence and Passion. 


They will be nominating students in their classes and awarding them positive acknowledgement points. These points will be uploaded onto Compass and you will receive a notification to let you know that your child has received a point and the reason why. 


Exciting news moving forward:  at an upcoming Virtual Assembly there will be 3 students chosen to receive a prize. 


Everyone please keep up the fantastic work you are doing during this challenging time with your Remote Learning.

We are proud of each and everyone of you.