Principal's Message

Good People Make a Good Day

On Saturday, our school held the first school fete in four years. The weather was perfect, the children entered the school gates like it was Christmas morning and many of our families enjoyed a great day together.


Two words describe the day, ‘community’ and ‘gratitude’. Community is a quality of the heart and gratitude is a quality that can contribute immeasurably to our happiness.


Everything substantial about St Joseph’s is made out of the good that people have given along the way. On Saturday, that very goodness created not just a fundraising event but a community of spirit, thanks to those who have giving hearts. The fete was a St Joseph’s Parents and Friends Association event and we are all grateful for the enormous efforts of the Fete Committee and their many hours of commitment and work.


These good people were encouraged and supported by those who sponsored the fete, gave donations, coordinated or helped out at stalls, sold raffle tickets, cooked, served, decorated, grew plants, set up, packed up, organised rides, made crafts, painted face, sold goodies, applied tattoos, gave the joy of music, created atmosphere with microphone talents, communicated via the newsletter or on Facebook, spread the word about our fete, came along and enjoyed the day, ate pies, blew up balloons, mowed the lawns, and contributed to  the many other activities that contributed to a wonderful day.


Thank you also to the staff of St Joseph’s for again going the extra mile for the school and our students.


The German philosopher Goethe, toward the end of his long life, said that there would be very little left of him if he were to discard all that he owed to others. So too would our school community have little left if we didn’t acknowledge all those whom we owe. Thank you to all who made Saturday such a success.


If you were able to attend the fete on Saturday, take some time with your children to be grateful for our fete and the hearts that made it all happen.


For all things at St Joseph’s, give thanks!

Jen Charadia
