Important Messages

Lunch Orders are no longer available

Parents and students please be aware that our school is no longer able to offer  a lunch order service. Students need to bring their snack and lunch each day.

Professional Development Day for Staff - No students at school

The 13th February is a student free day and a Professional development day for staff. We tried to get this PD day on our foist days at school but our facilitator, Terri Campbell was unavailable.

Staff will be working with Terri throughout the year with a focus on 'Writing'.

Terri will be visiting our learning groups later in the year and working with our students as well.

Access to and from Learning Spaces

Parents please be aware that access to the learning centres is from the outside doors and we expect all parents to also leave the centres by the outside doors.

The only time parents would access the learning centres via the internal passage is if they have an appointment with the teacher during session time or before gates are opened.


Many thanks for your cooperation in this matter.