Upper Primary Learning


Last week Concord School celebrated Education Week.  Upper Primary held an ‘open afternoon’ where parents were invited to participate in class based Art activities and view the Upper Primary Art Gallery. A big thank-you to the families that were able to attend the event and share in their child’s learning.


Students have been exploring concepts of print within the reading program.  Concepts of print is the awareness of how print works. The students have investigated a variety of different texts to develop their awareness and understanding of the following:



  • understanding that print conveys a message
  • distinguishing between images and print
  • identifying capital and lowercase letters
  • identifying familiar letters and words in print


  • how to handle a book (front/back of book, turning pages)
  • title, caption, diagram, contents page, index, glossary


  • reading left to right
  • return sweep at the end of a line of text
  • top to bottom


  • spacing
  • punctuation
  • letters, numerals, symbols


The students were highly engaged by the What’s my name learning task where they discussed the use of capital letters for names of people and places. They then worked with their classmates identify capital letters at the start of each class member’s name.  


Students also thoroughly enjoyed the Scavenger Hunt activity, where they explored texts and located features such as: title, contents page, page numbers, index, glossary, diagrams and captions. The students used iPads to take photos of the different elements they found and shared this information within their classmates.


The focus for writing has moved to recounts.  A recount tells about events that have happened to you or other people. The students investigated a variety of recount texts to explore information and how the text was structured.  Classes then discussed a variety of class experiences that have been involved in and selected one to write about. Photo prompts were used to generate discussion and build ideas. Classes recorded information such as what, where, who, when, why, feeling on posters as a basis for planning their writing. Graphic organisers were then introduced. Students discussed the sequence of events and recorded them on the graphic organiser along with words that connected (first, then, next, finally) the events.



The focus for Number and Algebra is subtraction.  Classes have continued to document information on class anchor charts, recording maths language (subtract, minus, take away, fewer, less, difference) and what they have learned about subtraction.

Students have explored using manipulatives to model the subtraction process.  Some of the activities the students have been involved in include:

  • peg plates – placing a given number of pegs on a plate, taking some away and counting all to find the remainder
  • playdough smash – making a given number of objects and ‘squashing’ the ones that are being taken away
  • using number lines to count back
  • using ten frames and subtraction mats to model the process of subtraction
  • subtraction bingo (iPad app)

The focus for Measurement and Geometry has moved to location.  Students are currently working on building their understanding and use of the language of location. Students have thoroughly enjoyed utilising learning spaces outside of the classroom. Classes have listened to and followed directions (over, under, through, around) to complete obstacle courses and have followed directions to navigate around different areas of the school.

Social Competencies

In Social Comp we began our sexuality unit! Over the next five weeks, students will be learning about public and private body parts, places, and behaviours. This unit is crucial for students’ personal safety. Resources from Family Planning Victoria and the Catching On Early resource kit will be used to provide students with information that is age appropriate, factual and safe. These resources are linked with the Victorian curriculum and are available online if anyone would like to have a look. So far I have been really impressed with Upper Primary’s maturity and eagerness to learn!

Integrated Unit

Over the past two weeks all classes have had a break from the First Fleet, to turn their hands to some fun ‘arty’ activities for Education week. These activities have taken place in the art room, classroom as well as in the Discovery Centre.  The students painted pictures of cats using a variety of shapes and materials, such as paint and crayons. Other classes created self-portraits, and one class recreated pictures of different animals using tangrams. Some very talented students drew amazing pictures of tall ships, such as the Polly Woodside. While other students made ‘message tokens’ from clay. All students really enjoy these different activities


This art work was displayed in the foyer of the Upper Primary building to create our very own Art Gallery. All students were very excited to see their work up on the walls and to show our special visitors when they visited last Tuesday afternoon.


Last week was very busy as we also had our Bee incursion during the day on Thursday.


In Term 2, Upper Primary students have been learning about bees, honey, importance of bees in food production and their life cycle. Students have taste tested honey and will make products out of beeswax late this term.  The Practical Beekeeper from Ceres came to Concord and ran an incursion for students to be able to see live bees, their hive and tell us some interesting facts about bees. Students had some excellent questions and enjoyed seeing the live bees. They tried very hard to spot the queen!

Focus on Fun

Bowling is a fun activity that lends itself nicely to exploring subtraction.  Making your own bowling set is quick and easy.

Materials required:

10 empty bottles

Small ball

Set up bottles (bowling pins) in a triangular formation. Count how many bowling pins you have set up. Use a marker to indicate where the ball is to be bowled from. Bowl the ball.  Count how many pins were knocked over. Discuss how many pins you started with, how many were knocked over, and how many are left standing.





Chris Norman - Upper Primary Team Leader

Kirsten Coulter - Teaching and Learning Coordinator