Assistant Principal's Report
Building Works
Our new administration building was completed last week and works started on converting the old administration into the Library. This weekend on November 10th and 11th there will be significant works taking place including Independent Class A asbestos removers removing asbestos from the eaves in the B-Wing. Therefore, there is to be no access to the College for the entirety of the weekend. Occupational Hygienists will issue a clearance certificate (including air clearance monitoring) to ensure that the school will be safe for students and staff to return Monday morning.
Please be mindful that anyone that enters the College grounds this weekend will be asked to leave immediately.
Splash Factory swimmers can access the pool but cannot park on school grounds.
Daily attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t fall behind academically, socially and developmentally. When you make school attendance a priority, you help your child get better grades, develop healthy life habits, avoid dangerous behaviour and have a better chance of graduating from high school. School helps children to develop important skills, knowledge and values that set them up for further learning and participation in their community. Great attendance helps students to make the most of life opportunities. Children and young people who regularly attend school and complete Year 12, or an equivalent qualification, have: better health outcomes, better employment outcomes and higher incomes across their lives.
Positive Psychology - Tips for self-kindness
Carve out time for yourself to do something that feels good – go for a coffee, have a bath, read a good book; do something that brings you joy.
- Notice your self-talk, and cut yourself some slack. Everybody makes mistakes and nobody is perfect. Speak to yourself as you would a friend.
- Discover JOMO (the Joy of Missing Out) and give social media a miss for a while. Everybody posts their best selves and it can make us feel bad that our lives don’t match up. Be kind and have a day free of social comparison.
- Acknowledge your successes. We’re always quick to do that for others, so why not take a few minutes and consider all you’ve achieved. Well done you!
- Hang out with your cheerleaders. Spend time with the people who uplift you and support you. The ones that fill your tank.
- Take your daily ‘MEDS’ (Mindfulness, Exercise, Diet and Sleep). Looking after your mind and body is a great form of self-kindness.
When does school officially finish?
Last day of official classes for Yr 7-10 is Friday 14th December.
There is an end of year program for Yr 7-9 students from Monday 18th Dec –Thursday 20th Dec.
For all end of year dates of assemblies, exams and other activities view our full school calendar on our website